Lunchtime browse

With a meeting that was due to take over my lunchtime, cancelled, I went out. After a dip into Tesco I headed down Lower Goat Lane to St Gregory's church which is one of two I know in Norwich that is now a huge antique emporium. I wandered round for ages just looking in the cabinets full of vintage treasures (treasure to Me, tat to others!!) I saw a cabinet of old telephones. This one is just like the one mum uses at home, and mine is like the cream one. I love it. It is a proper telephone. They also had an older black bakelite one, which had bags of character. This red one stood out the most for me.

Work is extremely busy and I worked until 5.30 trying to get ahead. Home at 6.30 just as Jon and Henry got in from the gym. Now I'm going to knit for a bit whilst crying to DIY sos.

Friday tomorrow and as usual, I can't wait!

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