
By EAnnBlair

We love the NHS

Not the most obvious banner for a gig but I have to agree.
This is Lau. They are marking 10 years together and I can't believe it's taken 10 years for me to catch on. I think they are in the running for my favorite new live band. Traditional folk meets Radiohead.
Before this we did some shopping and had our tea in Leeds.
After this we were called to rescue our grandson from Urgent Care in Rochdale where his sister was feeling very poorly. We took him home and put him to bed and waited for his mum and Adventure Girl to be sent home. A horrible throat infection along with very high temperature and bleeding from her tonsils.
We stayed over. She's looking a bit brighter this morning but we expect to be back helping with childcare in a couple of days. Thanks NHS and thank heavens for antibiotics.

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