stunning Miss Phryne Fisher art by @westonfront

Way back in February the wonderful Chris @westonfront Weston was taking private commissions ahead of 2000AD's 40th birthday bash in London. I managed not to notice he was only drawing characters from the beloved British science fiction comic, and rather cheekily asked him to draw fictional 1920s Australian sleuth Miss Phryne Fisher.

Created by author Kerry Greenwood and featured in 20 novels, the dashing detective can be seen in a TV series called Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, played to perfection by Essie Davis. You can catch up with the show on Netflix in the UK and I highly recommend it as an entertaining wee gem.

Chris gave me the artwork back in February and it's taken many months to get this gorgeous piece framed. But Dee at Daisy Frame Picture Framing did a lovely job and I finally managed to collect it today.

There's an extra photo if you want to see the amazing detail in Chris's art!

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