Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The enthusiasm of youth

The door bell rang just before lunch and when I went to the door I found myself looking up into the smiling face of Sam. He is one of Margret's grandsons and had come to see us during a flying visit to see her. I didn't recognise him at first.

We have known Sam since he was a toddler. He was a quiet, shy young boy but has matured into a delightful, confident young man, who is working hard at university. He loves his course and is doing well. He was happy to tell us all about the different modules and about the people who share his flat.

He reckons he is 6 feet and 3 inches, but I'd say he is taller, so he had to look down when I came to take his photograph.

Margret phoned to say she had a big lunch ready for him. That's what grannies do for poor, hungry students!!

I managed a trip to Haydon Bridge with clothes and bedding for homeless people and clothes and toiletries for women in the refuge. Then I was off to Hexham to the tip and emptied my full car boot of all sorts of rubbish.

The one thing I was sad to part with was the tuner/amplifier bought for me more than 40 years ago. It was still working, but large and I needed the space. 

In other news, I learned yesterday a way to tie those wretched round laces that keep coming undone. I have been able to tie laces since childhood, but the thick, worm like ones have been coming undone. Thanks to a YouTube video the problem has disappeared. What is it they say about teaching old dogs new tricks?!

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