A splodge of colour ..

Grey and dull but the fungi is flourishing in all sort sof interesting shapes and colours. This little cluster are decorating the base of a tree stump.

The story of the Children of Lir in school today (wicked stepmother, jealous of the children turns them into swans for 900 years) - one little boy got quite upset and the smallest girl was outraged to discover that Aoife (pronounced eefa), the name of the stepmother, began with an A - how is that possible, surely it must begin with an E. Some things remain a mystery.
Tonight's arthouse is Delicacy starring Audrey Tatou - sounds like her usual quirkiness - will report back. A film I do want to see is Silence - a sound recordist returns to Ireland for the first time in 15 years to record landscapes free from man-made sound. He goes to remote terrain, away from towns and villages yet has all sorts of strange and meaningful adventures. It's meant to be beautifully filmed and rather profound. That could be tomorrow night's fun.

son #1 has been having fun.

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