Leaves on the Lines

More experimenting tonight. I discovered an awesome feature on my camera. I always use the viewfinder but found that in Live View using the screen you can zoom in to manually focus on specific points to get it spot on.

You can't really see what I mean in this photo, but in another I managed to get focussed sharp on to a spiders web. Wasn't a great photo but it was fun experimenting.

I was hoping for another clear night tonight to try and get some more starry sky shots, but it was (is) totally overcast. Not a bad thing as it's kept it a bit warm on the night the Central Heating broke down. Thanks for the great response to yesterday's plough :o) I've definitely got more planned and some ideas of spots to get them from with a bit foreground interest. The fickleness of the weather kind of adds to the fun (kind of).

I love the fact that I know there are some great shots out there but I can't just go and get them. I have to be patient, get the idea in my head, plan ahead, maybe miss it and have to try again. And of course often they just fall in your lap, like the deer on Sunday.

A couple of Blippers linked to their own night sky shots and I have to say they're awesome - well worth a look!

Tsuken on Sunday

Steven late last night

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