
By OldTimer

St Davids Memorial Church

This beautiful church was where we had the Carol Service tonight, The singing was out of this world, spine tingling stuff. The boy soprano who sang O Holy Night was awesome. The top notes went right up to the rafters. Then he and his mother sang one I had not heard before "Christmas isn't Christmas unless it's Christmas in your heart also amazing,
The reader who did Here is a Man was so good.  I came home very satisfied and can now get on with my own Christmas preparations.
Everybody enjoyed what I had put together which made it so worthwhile..
This Church won the architects prize for NZ in 1931. It was given to the district by big landowners of the time and is interdenominational.  It has no nails in it, the pews are hewn out of solid timber and the font is the Hub of a dray wheel, the pulpit is most beautifully crafted out of native timbers and the floors are native wood parquet. It is local stone within and without and a slate roof, truly wonderful piece of architectural beauty.

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