Squirrel on the Deck

It was an active afternoon for the squirrels. First, one squirrel came and sat on the deck railing and preened its own floofy tail with great care. It posed with its paws neatly folded. It scampered and cavorted.

It teased the poor cat, whose tail thwapped loudly to show his excitement. If only there weren't a set of glass deck doors between him and the squirrel - if he could reach out a paw and even just touch it - oh, how amazing and fun life would be!

The first squirrel was then joined by a second, larger squirrel, and that's when the chase really began. Around and around the tree they went, and up and down the deck rail. The cat, for his part, was about fit to be tied!

The soundtrack for this squirrelly image is Joan Jett's early 80s performance of a hard-thumping rock classic, Do You Wanna Touch Me? (Oh Yeah).

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