
By HarrythePotter

Far reaching...

This morning started with frost on the ground but it went quite quickly. The view often looks better with mist than without.

It was sad to hear that RF was still not feeling well and bed is the best place to be.

Whilst weeding another red flash was helping me out, see extra.

As the day drew to a close the sky was showing signs of providing a beautiful spectacle, unfortunately I could only view it over a garage block but that didn't detract from the colours.

After finishing my work I went to meet a colleague who was clearing a garden for me and was shocked how bad his walking was after a day's work. I'm amazed that we are the same age and realised how lucky I am to have good health.

In the evening I had a guitar lesson, a much improved RF and I had a meal together then sat watching TV with a furry hot water bottle sleeping on my lap.

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