
By ObjectMagpie

Time for a cup of tea X

Inspiration came! Through an artist called Alinah Azedeh. A previous blip asked questions, but I knew I felt like I was forcing these answers. This time I limited my questions:

What am I asking people to give me as part of my work?
What is the transaction between myself and the public?
What happens when the objects have been donated and
the display is complete?

I also conjured a little note to send to each participant, me being me I chose some
beautiful yellow paper and stated a terms and condition note at the bottom
for each donation.

Today this project and myself as a practitioner in an adult world felt real!

P.S I mentioned that a shout out for information of the project will be aired on Saturday 13th October 2012 on 96.1 FM. The station is called The 'Funkin' Art Radio station. Please tune in when you can, or if you have an interest in the project
or wish to donate an object please email me at nicole_ht@hotmail.co.uk.

For now hopefully my blips are getting better and as the project progresses a flow of imagination, organisation and results in an artists project will show.

Time for a cup of tea :)

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