
By Ameliashaw1

The survival kit...

Today I received the most amazing present from my friend holly as a leaving present she called the survival kit!

Each item had a tag on them and this is what they said:

Tissues - feeling sad...

Face mask - after all that traveling I need to de stress

Plasters - ouchie...

A cigarette - when your feeling stressed

Hair bands - the hair bobble monster

Pack of cards - if you're feeling lucky

A guardian angel - ill watch over you

Tea and sugar - emergency tea and sugar

Sweets with vitamins - don't forget your vitamins

Nail file - give yourself a manicure on the plane

Chewy sweets - chew me when landing

Love ring - I love you

A joker card - don't take yourself too seriously

A ribbon tied with string - when you feel everything is falling apart, piece it back together with some string

Paracetamol - I have a bad head

A toothbrush - pearly whites

A penny - find a penny pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck

Pregnancy test - just incase

Bottle opener - for your bottle of fosters...(you'll love beer by the end)

The perfect present. Thank you holly

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