Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Desert Sands

Today is 12.10.12 and I beat G to it so she owes me icecream!

After a quiet, restful day, we headed out to the desert in the afternoon as G can't bear the heat at the moment (skin burn after radiotherapy treatment)

It's always great to get out of the city and see the vast open expanse. Unfortunately, our desert here has quite a lot of shrubs and when I was a tour guide, I used to have to drive MILES out to show tourists dunes without vegetation! We passed some of those today but it wasn't the right lighting to get the necessary pink hue for this month, so turned off the main road onto the one heading towards Fossil Rock, and then turned off that onto this unknown road. It was brilliant. NO street lighting on it; not even cats eyes.

Jellyfox spotted hang gliders so time to pull over and get cameras out. Whilst she was blipping them, I took pics of the rest of the scenery. Couldn't decide on one single image, so you have... FOUR!

The tree you see in the top right picture is called a Ghaf tree and indigenous to this part of the world.

Happy weekend everyone...

PS. As you can see, we took my car... a 20 year old classic which drove effortlessly. Think it loved having its legs stretched on the long drive.
PPS. Being out in the middle of nowhere reminded me of a Bob Seger album called "The Distance." I like Bob Seger.

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