argyrios journal

By argyrios

"The room"

It was maybe one of the few times I really wanted to escape and enjoyed the trip up to north. Although, it was for business, it was a nice trip, Preston looks nice. It has an ugly in way I really like. Things I have seen there (as the market of old/used and not expensive stuff, or not perfect roads) remind more from images I have seen in my life in Greece. People up north are more friendly. A nice street with shops. Have gone to buy something to eat and this resulted in walk which end in a really nice gallery (like the building also). Gone back to the room. Although, there are people outside which do not look so friendly (eg. people ask for money etc) I was feeling happy to walk in the road. It was a town which look real. I mean as opposed to Guildford which is great but if look at it seriously it looks a perfect bubble. Later in the night I enjoyed a bath in the hotel room. And have a not too bad sleep.

I thought to take the photo from the room in the hotel as I liked the view and also it was the most important part of that day.

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