Sunset over Worsbrough Dam

It was far too late in the afternoon when I suddenly felt inspired to take a trip to Worsbrough Dam to see if there were any Great Crested Grebes about.  The afternoon was lovely so it seemed a shame not to make something of it as the morning had been horrible with rain and large flakes of sleety snow.  Ann decided she would come too, which was good.  Unfortunately the sun was well down when we got to the lake, though we did manage a short walk, returning by the same route so we kept some of the sun.  This photo was taken when we were almost back at the start, just after the sun had set.  The temperature had dropped and I'm guessing we may be in for a frosty tonight, so lets hope for sun tomorrow too.

p.s. we didn't see Grebes, only coots, black-headed gulls and Canada geese.

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