Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Singing out the old year

Okay, not quite, but you get the idea..

And yes, the town was still very empty today, the Saturday market again almost non-existent.  Perhaps everyone's gone sales shopping at West Quay in Southampton?  Or Gunwharf Quays.

So a pretty quiet day.  We have a visitor again tonight, but in a very relaxed way (my daughter's partner, I don't have to cook).  And I've spent the afternoon plunging into the books that came with Christmas: Patrick Barham's The Butterfly Isles, apparently everyone's book of the year (and I expect mine, as I spent so many days in the summer butterfly-hunting), plus Darkest Hour, written by Anthony McCarten who also wrote the current film.  Should keep me quiet for a bit.

Meanwhile, here is one of the guys busking in the High Street this morning.  A good musician.  And yes, he indicated I could and yes, I gave him money.  Before you all ask, that is.  ;))

Pip pip  xx

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