Now we have everything

By Gembop

Keep arms and legs inside the car at all times

Today was a crazy one. After waking up at my parent's house in Notts and catching up with them over breakfast, Robin, mum and I headed over to see my grandma and auntie Lisa. Lisa gave me some lovely presents for Bump and his nursery that will definitely be the subject of a future blip.

We then drove to town where we met dad, my sister and 2 nephews, though not before stopping into a shop or two. We went in ostensibly to buy a gift for Ben and Zenia's daughter Mila before dinner with them later, but I ended up going a little crazy in their maternity section - buying a few tops, a warm winter coat, underbits and a jumper, all of which Robin actually treated me to :) We also picked up a lovely outfit for Bump, the first we've bought so far.

After meeting up with Laura, dad and the boys we took a tram to the Goose Fair. Robin and Laura enjoyed the rides whilst I made the most of the food: hot mushy peas with mint sauce and a toffee apple.

We had to leave them after an hour to get back, grab our stuff and head off to Coventry to meet baby Mila. Ben and Zenia suggested getting to theirs for about 5:30pm so we could see her before her bath and bed time.

She's 4 months old and really lovely - very alert and aware of everything and everyone. It was great to see Ben and Zenia too. It must've been the first time since their wedding in Lithuania over a year ago. They'd actually planned a dinner party and within a few hours there were 9 of us enjoying a lovely roast pork dinner followed by apple pie and ice cream. Nom.

We finally had to call it a night around 11:30pm to head to Robin's mum's. We'd told her we be there for 10pm. Whoops!

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