
This photo was totally unexpected.

I asked Jo to pose for me so I could get the settings right for a self portrait. As usual, Jo wasn't really keen on being photographed. While I set the camera and flash up she stuffed a grape in her mouth. I clicked the shutter without really concentrating. I instantly knew I had my blip for the day when I saw the preview on the camera.

So, with some mild protest from Jo I began to shape the final image in Photoshop. What is a bit weird is that Jo's eyes are actually blue. Pale on occasion and more vibrant at other times. Tonight must have been a pale night and on top of that the bounce flash must have reflected the wooden floor. The effect with an over exposed flash was unexpected but very pleasing.

This is my blip effort for the night: The love of my life and my beautiful wife.

The blip I was going to do might have to wait a few days ; ) .

Other news.

Dad was transported via ambulance from the hospital to the home this morning. I wasn't there for the occasion, electing to go to work instead. Actually Jo was keen for me not to take any more time off just in case my employer gets the sh!ts. I see here point but on the other hand, my place is with my family.

In hindsight everything worked out well. After work tonight I dropped in at the home. Dad was watching the TV and the carer I spoke to said he was quite settled. She had just made him a coffee which is a good sign. I checked out his room which is close to the communal area. What I didn't do was go and talk to Dad. Eyeballing him was enough, he looked settled and I didn't want to disturb him.

I will visit again tomorrow.

Tonight I am relaxing with my new GPS software. It is good to concentrate on something else.

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