Meringue Making

Day four hundred of the festivities today!!
Miss M came round to spend the day with Miss E which was lovely. Miss E misses Miss M so much since she moved schools over the Summer.  
Miss L was feeling a bit left out and miserable until Miss A messaged to ask did we want to go swimming with them. Lots of back and forth of messages between them but we eventually organised that Miss E and Miss M would stay at home with Mr K, and Miss L and I would meet Miss A, Miss J and their dad, Mr K, at the pool at 1.30pm.
There was no sign of them in the pool when we got there and by 1.45pm I was struck by the folly of unquestioningly adhering to arrangements made by 8 and 10 year olds via their iPads!!
But all was well - They arrived just before 2pm. 
It was freezing in the pool and my efforts at treading water to keep warm were not helped by the fact I felt I was going to sink like a stone due to all the Christmas excess!
Miss L had a lovely time with Miss J and I enjoyed chatting to Mr K. Despite discovering that he's a Luton fan!!
When we got home Miss E announced that they'd arranged a sleepover at Miss M's house. She packed her bags and Mrs C arrived to collect them both at about 5pm.
Miss L was upset at Miss E's departure. They spend so little time apart she was distraught!
But she perked up when I agreed that she could make meringues out of her Six Million Things to Nag Mummy About Doing book. Who knew meringues were so easy?!! If a little tiring to make when the stupid book recommends a balloon whisk rather than an electric one. I think my shoulders will be killing me tomorrow!! Luckily I can do it both left and right handed so at least the aching will be evenly distributed!
Once we'd packed Miss L off to bed Mr K and I stuffed our faces with our seemingly endless supply of baguettes, stilton, pate, chips, dip, mulled wine and mince pies.
And we watched Shackleton which we've had on tape since the Summer. Miss E Facetimed in the middle of it which was very sweet. They were in a den in Miss M's room eating their midnight feast of Sunbites, apples and crisps. There are worse midnight feasts!!
I had a horrific disaster with my laptop this morning. I have a folder on my desktop called Copy Over Folder and I use it to transfer pictures out of Mac photos and then into Lightroom. The folder gets full which slows down the transfer process so I try to remember to empty it as I go.
This morning I was trying to get all my photos organised so I could catch up with Blip and I went into Copy Over Folder, hit cmd A and Move to Trash.
Then I got on with choosing a Blip.
After a few minutes I noticed my laptop was making a terrible noise - whirring and roaring away very oddly.
What on earth was going on?
I shut Safari, shut Lightroom, shut Photoshop, shut the calendar, the calculator, mail and other weird miscellaneous windows which are open for some reason until I came to the All My Files window and saw with horror that everything was highlighted and being moved to Trash.
Oh my F****** God.
Banging at random keys I managed to get it to stop.
After a mere 23,000 files had been deleted.
It's OK I thought, determined not to panic, there must be an easy way to reverse the process.
There is not.
Once those files are in Trash you have to individually click on each file and then click on Put it Back. I'm pretty patient when it comes to menial admin tasks but not that patient!!
It's not helped by the fact that you can't see what the files are because you can't open them in Trash. What a mess!!!
Mr K is going to look later and see if he can write a script to automate the process of putting them back where they should be. In the meantime I'm trying not to touch the laptop because one slip of the fingers and the Trash will be emptied and 23,000 of my photos will have disappeared.
Yes they're backed up but so inaccessible as to be all but useless!! 
Thank God I noticed the noise the laptop was making. If I had left it going without stopping it there'd be over 100,000 files in the Trash with currently no way of getting them out.
Stupid bloody computers!!!!!

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