Just Having A Wash.

Saw some sparrows having a lovely time splashing aound in a fountain at Harbour Town shopping centre.

We had a lovely time mooching around the shops for about an hour.

We then headed back to Alexandra's car. Saw a man on his phone standing next to her car, thought nothing of it. Got in the car, seat belt on, sunshade down. Man knocks on car window.

Next thing the man is hurling abuse at Alexandra and threatening to kick her car in, because apparently his child was in a stroller behind her car.

Alexandra, had seen the child, and had mentioned it to me before she started the car, having seen the man move the stroller, she started to drive.

I got out of the car, and explained to him she wouldn't have driven out if she thought the child was still there.

He looked at me as if I had just crawled out of a hole, and started abusing me.

At this point, I thougt there was no point in talking to him, got back in the car, and told Alexandra to drive.

But I'd forgotten how feisty my daughter is, this guy didn't scare her at all.
She shouted at him to leave her car alone, and he backed right off, then she told him he should've been looking after his child and not be on the phone.

What I couldn't understand was why he was so threatening over a situation where nothing had happened. If he had damaged Alexandra's car and the police had arrived he would've been the one in trouble.

I don't know what the matter is with people these days, they are so rude.

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