Moon Calendar

The beautiful moon of recent nights reminded me to consult my Moon Calendar to check if it is a good time to plant my amaryllis bulb.   Some people might think I am stupid but the influence of the moon has been proven to have a huge influence on nature as well as the tides.
I have very little knowledge of German so it would take me ages to translate the very interesting information on all the pages of the calendar but here I give the advice for January.  I’m not going to wait till the 11th which seems the best day to plant the bulb but will wait a couple of weeks before I get my hair cut. Fortunately my next dental appointment is on a favourable day in February. I notice that yesterday would have been a good day for housework but after having had seven visitors staying for several days recently I wanted all the washing and cleaning done by Sunday so that 2018 entered into a clean tidy house. 

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