
By Ixxxy

The Sewing Machine Song

S-s-s-s-s-s-sewing machine! Steve Poltz in action at my local watering hole that some may recognise (Woodpeckers?). An extremely entertaining show by a man who appears to have everything - great musicianship, very good voice, wide variety of songs, some of the best being written by himself, wonderful comedic timing and altogether top man. He has written a song about the man Johnny Cash 'shot in Reno, just to watch him die'. It has a surprising twist to it.
I do not think Steve really wanted to stop, but there is an eleven o'clock curfew on music in the pub, thanks to a rather vocal neighbour (nobody else seems to mind).
There is a retrospective exhibition of Dennis Gould's letterpress work (also very familiar to Stroud locals) on show at the moment, and you can see a some posters behind Steve. I will try and get some other photos of this.

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