The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Lunchtime with swans

3rd January is the anniversary of my parents' marriage. They were married in Oakley, Fife, in.1959. Their marriage was annulled in 1981 (which doesn't mean that we are all illegitimate, apparently!) and my mother eventually got a civil divorce on grounds of desertion.

So much is history, but as I went out on my.lunchtime walk today, I found out that the S. Petre that we'd identified on Facebook as our possible half-brother, the 'last son of Michael' is not the right one! Coincidentally, though, it is that person's birthday today. And his twin sister's. It is also my sister TML's birthday tomorrow.

These are the swans on the lake in Stratford Park. One of the cygnets is diving. The children came back to nursery today, and we had a lovely day with them.

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