The Colours of Autumn II

Unlike my blip from last Wednesday of an orange sunrise, today's Colours of Autumn is more traditional and was captured a lot quicker.

We had friends round for dinner last night so it was a later rise than usual this morning. We also had quite a full day, which left little opportunity for blipping. However, I did have my wee compact with me on my run to the Bay this morning and decided some bight red Rowan berries against the blue sky and some golden leaves would be a good blip. A change from seascapes, sunrises and birds and a chance to capture the beauty of Autumn for my journal.

Thanks to everyone for all the stars and hearts for yesterday's hand fed Coal Tit, which got him into the Spotlight. He was still about today landing on my shoulder as I was about to go into the car this morning. I have taken to carrying some sunflower seeds in my pocket and I think he already knows this. Each time I left the house today or came back he was down on my hand within seconds to grab some more seeds. Need to try and think of a name for him. Maybe someone can help?

I have some shots in mind of him, which I must try and capture this week. Maybe one of him in flight, in an interesting position or with movement. Failing this, it will just have to be shots like this with him on my hand!

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