Looks like

How I feel. James can at least go out, mooch about, see his friends.

Bored of the sofa.
P***ed off with being in pain, with the usual stuff as well as the post op stuff.
Slept till 3pm, after having a few hours of discomfort in the night which resulted in me being wide awake and watching Orion rising in the east around 2 am.
The pain killers are absolutely necessary but are making me feel quite sick.
I am most definitely a pain of a patient.
I am also angry, that I am feeling this way.
My head is not ready to do the timeline and put my angst down on paper, but it is coming, because so many duff decisions along the way have meant that I have not be listened too and therefore have not been treated effectively. I should have been fixed a long time ago. This is not good enough and my opiate induced haze seems to be enhancing my rage somewhat.

I have, however, managed to eat something, which is progress. I also watched Audrey Hepburn and Peter O Toole in How to steal a million. That was lovely.

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