Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Sunny Sunday

Clear skies and freezing temperatures in Edinburgh this morning. 

We took a stroll through Princes Street Gardens, entering from Kings Stables Road. Just inside the gate is a memorial to a large, shaggy dog. Apparently Edinburgh is twinned with San Diego, and the two cities have exchanged statues of their canine celebrities, Greyfriars Bobby and Bum. Edinburgh's Bobby sits on a pillar in George 1V Bridge and gets his nose burnished by thousands of tourists, while Bum languishes behind the wall of St Cuthbert's Churchyard.  But at least he has a nice view - the postern gate of Edinburgh Castle, as seen above.

Later in the day we were on another pet-related expedition - we went to see some rescue cats that are looking for forever homes.  They didn't have what we were wanting - two elderly moggies who won't frighten our bird population.  

But we had a lovely time looking around, fell for one which was already promised elsewhere, and now I'm thinking a lot about a very large ginger tom, who unfortunately doesn't get on with other cats.  We'll be going back for another visit at the end of  the week. Watch this space ....

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