The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

What is a planchette?

Some sort of ouija board, apparently! There is a strong thread of escapism running through my blips and resting hours at present, because:

A it's January and i have to do my tax return

B I'm still a bit under the weather, coughing away

C The recent revelations about our half-siblings have made my mother want to start looking (again) for her mother in law's will, and chasing a few more wild geese. We've been down that road before

D I've got several online trainings to complete, relevant to the care industry, all utterly grim, starting wirh donestic violence and abuse, version 4...

So I've done one training, and started a new 1920s fine art jigsaw! My reading matter is set firmly in London in the 1920s! Excellent way to escape. Sharp wit dripping from every paragraph.

In other news, my literature and social history of the 1970s course began today. Our tutor showed us some clips from thr film version of the Rocky Horror Picture show. The lady next to me said, 'Oh, I don't think I'd like that at all! '

I recalled going to see a production of Macbeth at the McRobert centre in Stirling. It was bare-bones theatre, with the cast all in modern dress. In 1978, thst meant green tracksuits! I also saw a revived version of Godspell there. Good decade for theatre, the 1970s.

One thing I didn't see, or know, was that Ian Gillan, from Deep Purple, was the original actor playing Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar! It might not have toured in Dublin, where I lived until 1974. The old Archbishop was highly conservative ( I know that, because guitars were not allowed to be played in church, for my first communion, in 1970!)

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