Confused yet:)..?

By Angelabc2378

Horizontal Is Best !!!!!!

So, today was another easy day, just worshipping that big ball in the sky....those of you who have forgotten what it's the sun....yay.....
I started this morning by meeting the very very lovely and interesting Andrewforbes....a fellow blipper...and we had a great brunch together...
It's very strange meeting a complete stranger, whom you actually know because of this journal!!!!....
I then decided to spend the rest of the day horizontal style.... yeah yeah....keep it clean you lot..... and paid homage to the sun as mentioned!!....I seem to be morphing into some sort of aboriginal
Tonight were off to a really great Indian, cant wait to catch up with my dad...

And maybe a few, it'd be rude not to wouldn't

had another great day....:-)

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