The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Door and filled-in window, Painswick

I am glad that I decided this year to do not very much in January. Earlier in the week I was offered some nannying to a two year old in Taunton, and a market stall today. I Just Said No.

Still coughing and now talking with a very husky voice! The revelations from Team Petre are extraordinary. My brother revealed that our father had left behind a religious diary after staying with him. We have located the congregation, in Bath. We know that he attended sometimes as Miguel Angel A- S-, in the 1980s, but was listed as living in Acapulco.

One year, he even turned up at their summer camp! In the words of another attender:
"Miguel happened to join us one year for Wessex camp, held in the New Forest. He would arrive and go away again and we would not see him and then he would suddenly arrive again."

It's that same story, AGAIN! We have a photo now, of the summer camp. The people look smiley and summery, with 80s clothes and hair; children and a dog. The atmosphere is relaxed. Michael/Miguel is looking shifty in the back row, wearing a shirt, jacket and tie as if it were 1959, scowling as his tie blows upwards, towards his face. Not a man you'd forget.

I went to Brockworth, on the bus, to meet Dave for a meal. Didn't really feel like eating. But I got this shot of a house in Painswick, one of the Cotswolds' grander villages. Apart from that, I have been reading my new book about psychopaths, and preparing cine films from the 1960s/70s for transfer to DVD and file, so I can upload them for our new half-brother and sister to see.

We still don't know anything about the late 70s and most of the 80s. During this rime, Miguel would occasionally visit members of our extended family; go to the congregation in Bath; he may have met his final 'wife' at a restaurant in Mexico, where she worked as a waitress. It is all so utterly ordinary, yet completely beyond the pale. He appeared to know everyone, yet, did anyone know him at all?

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