
Forgot my camera today so no blips until I got home. I couldn't think of anything interesting and I even drew a blank on the macro front.

This a red squirrel soft toy given to my better half. Some years ago she use to lead walks on the Isle of Wight where you can still find reds if you are lucky. My better half is French and while her English is very good - better than mine some of the time - she has trouble with some words - squirrel being one of them. One of the other walk leaders bought it as a bit of a joke because he knew she couldn't say "red squirrel" properly...

Anyhow he sits on the bookshelf next to a koala that my mother bought back from Australia. We're not into soft toys and so they just sit there gathering dust and getting moved now and then so I can get a the books behind them.

I like squirrels, they were on my school badge and they are charming and cute. At University the campus was over run with greys, which while they have their own charm aren't as cute as the reds.

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