
By Saimurai

October in Belfast

It's said that Northern Ireland can get all 4 seasons in one day. One minute it's sunny, the next it's snowing or the heavens have opened up. People always joke that we only get the sun for about 1 glorious week a year, (This year it was in March, with a few days in May, :D )

But the thing is, I don't think this country has a Sunshine problem at all. We've had so much sun the past two months, we just don't notice it coz its so flipping cold! So my thinking is that the main issue isn't our weather patterns, it's the planet! If the flipping thing would just stop moving away from the sun every year for 11 months, then we'd have the best weather ever lol. Or at least just tilt down a wee touch and shift the equator! Just a smidge and we wouldn't care that our weather was fickle if it was just warmer while it was doing it!

I'm just kidding of course, that's just not how planets work. I think finally making a habit of taking breaks from the puter and going outside has made me very aware for the first time just how beautiful our days are here when it's not even "summer".


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