Great trip

A tv programme prompted me to seek out the scrap book I made of a driving holiday we took in the USA in 1987. Sadly when I opened the books all the photos fell off he pages! The sellotape had perished - it was a mistake to use sellotape! I have spent a happy afternoon sticking then all back in again.

It was an amazing holiday. We flew to Boston and drove north to start with to see the fall colours in Vermont. Then we drove the whole way down the east side of the continent, visiting all the obligatory sights. We went to Gettysburg, watched whales off Cape Cod. We went to Williamsburg and Charleston and watched a tobacco auction in North Carolina. We ended up with the brash attractions of Florida, Sea World and Epcot. A fantastic trip and I don't really need a scrap book to remind me of all that we saw. We have done two more motoring trips in the USA since this one, but this was the best.

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