This is how...

...the Fangle went out this evening to his Aunty Lisa’s birthday gathering! We were just in and out of the car and then in Lisa and Allan’s cosy house but still!

The short wearing had started when he came out of school in his gym shorts because his trousers had gone awol! I went back in to the school with him to find them. Thankfully with the help of a couple of teachers they were located in the girls toilets! Go figure...

Anyway, when it came time to change to go and eat Aunty Lisa’s birthday cake he elected for shorts again! Was pretty chilly for him I think when we left Lisa’s at the back of 21:00.

A grand we visit celebrating the birthday of my bestie. Lisa and I have been pals since secondary a fair few decades now, plenty of good memories and some sad shared between us. I am grateful for our friendship.

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