
By atoll

A Flutterby of Peacocks

A slow start to the day after one too many at The Orchard, one of the many wonderful Bristol cider pubs last night.

A long, late lazy breakfast followed then this morning, before heading back down to Bristol Marina to check Betty Blue was still above water after her first night afloat (she was), and to start fitting her insides out.

First job today was to root out the boats interior cushions stored in the roof space of Martin's workshop. As we pulled these out, we came across these two beauties, in readiness for hibernation until spring. Didn't know what they were, but took a guess at a Peacock, simply because of the eyes. Turns out this guess was right and they were a pair of European Peacocks Inachis io.

Quite a coincidence as next door neighbour Roy keeps Peacocks, and one had disturbed my slumber, shrieking this morning.

I usually take this sort of thing as a sign, and then scour the horse racing runners and riders for a suitably named horse for a little flutter. I looked, but couldn't find anything.

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