
It is three years since I last visited this beautiful town, and just as it was then, today was freezing cold, with icy rain - although I was better prepared for a three hour guided walking tour in such conditions than in 2014, and had bundled up with enough layers to find both hearing and movement a challenge at times.   It did mean that my step count for the day exceeded 15000, best yet for this week.  Needless to say the rain stopped after about an hour when a group member sprinted in to a shop to buy an umbrella, and of course, goes without saying that as we  climbed aboard our lovely warm coach to go back to the Hague, the sun came out to shine a cheery cheerio. 

After warming up with lunch, the afternoon was spent visiting delegates in their various committees.  Everyone is very tired now.  Then in to the centre of the Hague this evening for dinner.  Last day of the conference tomorrow.  

Fairly sure that the extra pic is taken from the same spot as 2014, but looking in the opposite direction. 

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