Bad morning

Still back blipping ...... Thursday!

This day did not start well. I was thrown out of bed by Jack calling me constantly from 7:50 am onwards! This is before I am willing to speak to anyone! I am not a morning person and I usually do not crawl out of bed before 8 or 8:30 and need at least one hour before I can talk to people. After a shower and a couple of coffees!
Since the phone did not stop ringing, I answered it in probably not the nicest manner. Jack was upset because of something and forgot that we were in different time zones. However, he did not let me go and I was on the phone with him until 9:45 when I cut him off to go into a conference call with our customer. The call with the customer was painful as well.
Needless to say, that my day started badly and totally out of balance! It took me hours to sort Jacks problem which meant that I did not get done what I had planned. I was not a happy person.
I only managed to get out after 5 pm, but luckily I found the Urban West still open and had a couple of coffees there and relaxed before I walked back home and returned to my desk.
Neil was late and we had very easy dinner on the couch.

I did not want to blip the Urban West again, so today it is a night shot of Roots and Fruits, a very nice shop for good food and veg. You can get a coffee there too. 

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