
By LmiriamC

Duck o' the day

I have decided to adopt the word "lurgy" to describe my health condition... Thanks to you UK'ers for introducing me to the word. Thought I was getting better but the fugue state induced by the everlasting overcast is a bit heavy. Even though I am improving, I realized today that I even still have a bit of a fever. I probably ought to go to the Dr. tomorrow.

Salem and I drove to the pond, didn't even walk, to see the birds. Here is a lovely lady mallard. There were several widgeons but too far away for a good photo.

My niece has recently introduced me to the concept of using the word "adult" as a verb, as in, "I don't feel like adulting today.", or "How am I ever going to adult today?".  It makes me laugh but I do know what she means. I've been puttering around pulling together the tax documents I'll need. And yesterday I visited an attorney to get our estate documents up to date. All of this adulting has made me tired. I feel like a 10 year old inside!

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