Leaving Queenstown and The Top of The South

Here I am again in the overhead locker.  It’s just that he likes leg room that puts me there and my continued complaints about the lack of a window have not reached anyone of importance.
Big T is in doggy day care and The Bossess will rescue her tomorow but I would guess that she might not be all that keen about being rescued as there was not even a backward glance as she went out of the room.
As for me I am off to Wellington with The Boss to give The Bossess a nice quiet time to fill her 50 boxes of stuff for the move.

Todays images were all courtesy of Air New Zealand and the window seat that The Bossess always gets for him on the correct side of the plane too.
The extra is the tippy top of the South Island which is normally clegged with cloud.

Minipaw script…Todays story comes from a Cab driver who was explaining tech to The Boss on the drive from the airport.
He has this lady who always phones him when she wants transport and he had been in the habit of answering her text calls on voice to text in his cab.  So he said..”OK I will see you there”…BUT it went out as “OK I will see you Dear”….and he didn’t notice before he said send…and it did.
The lady greeted him as “Sweetie” the next time they met and there was laughs all round as he tried to explain…

He doesn’t use voice any more.

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