
Barking News (mini) 
The Boss has signed up for the “Round The Bays” 10Km stagger next Sunday.

To celebrate this moment of light headedness he decided that we would have a test stagger this morning (10.7Km) and encountered this moment.
This was a “The camera you use is the one you can get into action in 10 seconds.” moment, which was the fruitphone. His Olympus was in his pak and it was starting to rain.
A friend was discussing upgrading her Olympus OMD  E1 the other day and The Boss commented that he was more likely to upgrade his iPhone to an X to get the tele 2nd lens thingie and being an enthusiastic camera club person she was slightly aghast at that suggestion.

The Boss was checking out a Wellington camera club website yesterday and was surprised to find a “Bring your smartphone” evening being promoted…Hmmmm?

The really good news however is that small stuffed dogs are OK on the “Round The Bays”  adventure so look forward to a full report in the fullness of time. 

Todays extra is from another fruitphone bark in Wanaka where The Bossess was taking the air this morning before it got wet. No it’s NOT “That Tree” it’s another one.

Oh and “Crossing” is even Crossier in LARGE. You have to admire this bloke as he was a long way out in the harbour.


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