My Best Efforts - Year 3


Balcony Geraniums............

...................these are the sort that are seen tumbling from window boxes in Germany, Switzerland and Austria - a different shaped flower to the ones I usually grow. The foliage is strongly perfumed and the flowerheads rather smaller. I think they are what are known as Zonal Pelargoniums - and they are still flowering profusely in a tub in my neighbour's garden. A lovely splash of colour on the somewhat dull days we have been having recently.

Weather today started off really dull and gloomy but in the last half hour or so the sun is trying hard to cheer up the day - lets keep fingers crossed!

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Hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend - it's great to have Blipfoto back on track after the hiccups of the last few days - lets hope it stays that way.

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