
Sunny today. Basil and I went to the Outwoods to birdwatch. Thanks to a passing lady, who pointed out the nuthatch, I got this photo. Thank you so much.

Got to Gill's to fetch Sanay but she had asked Sanay to work later because she (Gill) was taking a taxi in half an hour for Heathrow from where she was flying on a short holiday to India. So we came away without Sanay.

Colin phoned, somewhat distressed, although he wouldn't admit that. His cat Nelson was in a really bad way with failing kidneys and he had decided to have Nelson put to sleep that afternoon.

All of us, Colin with Nelson in a cage, whose eyes still glowed orange and looked about inquisitively, Len, Basil and I drove to the vet. Colin came out five  minutes later with Nelson's body lying still in the cage.

We drove back and had a cup of tea. Then Colin and Len double bagged Nelson and Len and I brought his body back to put in the black bin. Colin was grateful.

To cap it all, I phoned the hospital to ask what the waiting list was like for orthopaedic operations. As I wrote on Facebook: Managers at Leicester General Hospital have not sanctioned resumption of non-urgent orthopaedic procedures. So, no knee replacement for the foreseeable future. I do feel a bit despondent.

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