Central Park

Wellington has one of these and it’s really cool. All the trees give a ton of shade as  we were on a mission to go to the movies at the Penthouse a boutique movie place at Brooklyn which was about 5000 staggers and a hill away but we took a Google shortcut through the park there and back and a Blip was born. So to bark (mini). 
It was interesting that Mrs G maps didn’t suggest the shortcut until I told her I was walking and there it was.

The Movie wasn’t the planned one but was about to start when we arrived so….
It was “Phantom Thread” and a wonderful love story with a substantial twist and a stunning cast that The Boss had not heard of but was not surprised by the nominations for awards it got.  Highly recommended.

After the movie the Cafe was full of older folk…mostly couples and not an SSD (Small Stuffed Dog) in sight  so we sought solitude back in the gardens and got the extra and conversation with some lovely lasses from Scotland who were intrigued that iPhones could do flowers.

After he got back on his feet he remembered that his Olympus with macro lens was in his pak…..Sigh…..

Minipawscript... Oh and he didn't know the proper name for the flower but the latin one was "Redthingis Hardtoreachus" but I bet you already knew that.

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