Out of the Blue

We popped into the Drill Hall in Dalmeny St to see Stewart at his stall in the Arts Market. It seemed to be quite busy, so I hope he sold lots of work. I thought etherghost might like a blip of him!

Then Mr H went off to the football and I to my list of chores, some of them v unattractive (2011/12 self-employed accounts, eeuw!). Managed to get at least some of them done and Dunfermline came back in the last 10 minutes from 2-0 down to scrape a triumphant....draw!

Goodness, typing the title (of the Drill Hall project) suddenly reminded me of a song called "Light Years Away":

If I could wake to find you near me
Suddenly here, out of the blue
If I could speak and you could hear me
What would I say?

If I could wake to find you sleeping
Here in my arms, out of the blue
If you could take my hand and keep me
Right here with you
Evangeline, my sunshine, light of my day
You're a star in the darkness, light years away.

If I could wake to feel the sunlight warming my room, out of the blue,
and if the day could break to bring me summer in bloom,
Evangeline, my sunshine, light of my day
You're a star in my darkness, light years away.

Written by the Red Clay Ramblers for a show called Lie of the Mind that was on in NYC in the mid eighties; I heard it from Debby McClatchy.

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