Tractor Factory Photos

By TractorFactoryPhotos

BlipaEwan 118...

This is my monthly track of my children as they grow to see how they change as time goes by. I take the same photo in the same place each 1st and 15th of each month along with a wee diary of what has happened and how life has progressed for each of them. Bethany on the 1st and Ewan on the 15th.

He’s been going on a couple of sleepovers this month.  All bunched into the same weekend.  These were with friends from his old school.  He was down in Rosyth on the Friday then home, showered and more or less picked up to head over to stay over near Cupar where one of his other friends moved to at the same time we moved up Dunfermline.

His mum started a new 9 to 5 job this month.  This has meant they are having to go to after school club 3 days a week.  Neighbour across the road has volunteered to take them both after school on Thursday and Friday which is brill.  It does mean that they have to make their own way into school although they are generally dropped off as Mrs TF{P goes to work.  Hopefully we can push that into getting to school themselves.  Seems like a logical and overdue step.

You can check out the rest of this series and see his progress by entering the words]tagged BlipaEwan into the Blip Search facility. 

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