Madeiran Midwinter Music

The island's under cloud today, the heights are out of sight,
but it's mild and softly pleasant and canaries trill their best.
So, again, we walk the coastal path, in this, the heart of winter:
such colour in the flowers, as we wander further west.
And the cough I had in England, at last has cleared away,
as Madeira's warmer climate breathes easy in my chest.

© Celia Warren 2018

We took the bus west today, and halfway back by bus, too. I wish I could name all the beautiful flowers, large and small, but I am learning some of their names. I chose the red bougainvillea, yellow mimosa and blue Pride of Madeira against the rocks and the little cove at the foot of the cliffside for my blip.

In my Extras you can see a canary (taken on full zoom). There were several digging into these lovely, big, orange flowers. We also stood some time simply listening to the suction of the sea across the black, volcanic shingle, and enjoyed the zigzag patterns the waves created on the beach (my second Extra), and the swirly patterns around the rocks. Midwinter music to ears - and the eyes!

Tonight we're having dinner with Orchid99 - a lovely way to round off the day!

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