Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today I have to do the chores I had planned for tomorrow. The washing machine is working and soon the dishwasher will do the same. Then I have to go shopping too, for tomorrows cooking. I'm going to prepare meals for next week. 
Tomorrow I have a workout session planned with a friend of mine. The last time we worked out together I couldn't walk the day after...and my whole body was one big muscle pain... So, that's why I'm getting done what was planned tomorrow, today... :D And, I'm also going to colour my hair reddish. Or at least reddish highlights because I'm to much of a coward to colour my whole hair red by my self... :D 
As I was sitting on my couch, I saw the tulips in morning sunlight and...well...had to grab my camera. Unfortunately the PSCS 6 Spot Healing Brush had some difficulties repairing spots in the area with lots of colourations, and made it pixellated and just ruined... I tried with the clone stamp too, but when the eye can't really make out the colourations, the colours get wrong... or the clone stamp is doing a bad job... So, I had to give the photo a vignette to make it more presentable. 
I wish you all a really nice Saturday! :)

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