You've missed a bit....

Early start for a Sunday - off on the 927 train to Edinburgh for a bit of shopping to replace my jacket that was carelessley lost on holidays in the morning, then a meet up with Sara and Andy, (fellow blippers who had an engagement at Dryburgh (Drybura Sara!!!) Abbey yesterday), in the afternoon.

Edinburgh was buzzing in the autumn sunshine, all the seats at Princes Street Gardens were filled, and we had nice coffee, cake (flapjack) and a good old blether at the National Galleries, and I headed home in the train later.

The countryside is looking exceptional at the moment, the colours are just amazing, and to top it all, the sky was on fire at sunset. Beautiful.

Back to work tomorrow:-((
But had a good dose of Vitamin D to hopefully ward off a dose of anything that may or may not appear (fingers crossed I'm fine, for the winter!!........****.........)

It looks as if the old lady is giving the piper a bit of a hard time for not cleaning his shoes properly!! These old biddies don't hold back, do they;-))

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