Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

In the forest of dean: the hair of the dog x

A strange old sunday.

It all started with Sam who was plaguing me for a glass of shandy with his cereal! Trying to explain to an 8 year old the convention of not drinking alcohol with breakfast, began a discussion on the 'hair of the dog'. Sam, typically retorted with his questioning mind, "Who invented the hair of the dog?"

With a blank parents face and google at hand and a couple of taps and the answer arrived. Used as early as 1546, the hair of the dog that bit me...is the literal saying. Meaning that the hair of a rabid dog, was placed in the same dog bite wound. The medieval medics believed that curing poison with the same poison was a sure fast cure. Same applies to drinking after drinking...but apparently it does work in this case.x

Answers satisfied, we walked in the forest and met some alaskan malamute dog sled teams and their owners. Waiting their prizes for racing, perhaps this team may have the 'hair of the dog' on the morning too! x

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