Blipper's Daily (?)

By blipper

A Danger to Society

There were very polite, the staff in Asda, but I did feel a bit put out after shopping's not their fault as they were only following regulations you understand but I did come out of the whole experience thinking I must be a real danger to society:

'Certainly sir, I just need to tannoy a member of staff trained and authorised to deal in such materials'

'I'll just go and get the keys for the security cabinet'

'Now you will be leaving the shop directly after purchase sir? We can't let you back into the store once you have purchased them?'

'Are they for public display or private use?'

(They looked like they were going to ask if I was over 18 but thought better of it)

'How many packs??? Six sir......ah, OK, seems quite a lot...big party is it?'

'Here they are, I'll just take you to the till near the door to pay' (so I can make sure you leave the store directly)

'Thank you sir, goodbye....and take care' was only £3 worth of's not as if I'm a pyromaniac or anything!

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