River Walk

The boys went off to church and I thought I would go for a walk, however it started to snow, and the snow got heavier, to I re-thought my plans and made some leek and potato soup and a fruit soda bread.  Both have gone down well.  By the time the snow went off, the thaw was well underway.  The boys had gone to the supermarket on their way home, and there was much excitement at what they had managed to buy – bread AND  rolls.  No milk though.  

After cello practice and lunch, BB went off to meet up with friends for a bit of sledging.  TT and I went for a trudge along the river, in the opposite direction to our route of the last two days.  It was much less trod, so was much harder work, and it started to rain a bit, though thankfully that didn’t last long.  We made a detour on the way back to get some over-priced milk.

TT was on cooking duties this evening and I tackled an ironing mountain.  Schools are open again tomorrow, and I will be back at work.  TT is on strike again.

It feels like we have been on holiday, as I have lost track of what day it is.  Tomorrow will be a shock to the system.   

Here is a snowy scene from our walk – it’s all looking quite bleak, and devoid of colour.  We need to see the sun and blue skies again  The extra is BB’s snowman in the snow this morning, already looking a bit decrepit.

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