I am grateful for ...

By shirleyray

Gopher Plants Are Very Busy

I wanted to catch up on all your journals and comments this morning before going to Costco and the grocery store. That put me back a few hours, but it felt good getting that done.

I spent more time at the stores than expected. I should start planning my menus so I know what to buy for the week. It will get easier as I adjust to this new way of eating. 

I stepped outside and saw the gopher plants buzzing with activity. Blip settled without leaving the yard! I was excited to get the honey bee and green bottle fly together and then when the flower fly came along I thought that doing a collage would be a good idea. Much better in large if you have the time to look.

I am grateful for the warmer weather (sorry Laura, but I think the snow was a bonus for us!) 

Until tomorrow.........

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